You’ve been hearing this phrase everywhere now: “codependent” Maybe someone has even said they are concerned that you are codependent. Or, you’ve recently ended a relationship and wonder if it was codependent. Whatever brought you here, I’m so glad you found this! Let’s start with a story… I have this colleague (she knows who she […]
Hindering Your Happiness: 9 signs you are self-sabotaging
Self. Sabotage. Why do we do it? What makes something you want to do well go poorly, even though you have the skill and means to succeed? How do we know when it’s just “the way it goes” vs. actual self-sabotage? So many clients and friends talk about self-sabotage, but do we even understand what […]
7 Habits to Help You Achieve Self Confidence
You already “know” you can do anything you set your mind to. You’ve probably heard it since birth. The “Girl Power” generation and all, right? Well, that doesn’t mean you ALWAYS believe it. Maybe a percentage of your time, at best. And, that doesn’t mean you’re “confident”. But, would you believe me if I say […]
5 Things Women Finding Fulfillment Believe
Fulfillment. What does that even mean? How do I find “fulfillment”? Then, how do I keep it, once I finally found it? Is it something you have to hold onto for fear of losing it again? Something that stays put? A consistently moving target I’m doomed to chase forever without actually catching? Chances are, if […]
Tips for Coping with Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic
You’ve been watching the news, reading news articles, and seeing tons of posts on social media about the COVID-19 health crisis. You don’t know how to feel about the changes you have had to make to keep you and your loved ones safe. You have anxiety and you’re worried about working from home while managing […]