Has anything changed? Are we fundamentally different? Did we get that “fresh start” everyone was hoping for? I don’t know about you, but for me, not so much. Yes. A beautiful new year is upon us. Brimming with possibly. Buzzing with hope. But, nothing changes magically when the calendar adds a year to the date. We turn the page and move forward. And, I’m great with that.
The Beauty of a Blank Slate
Yes! You heard me! I think this is lovely. You know why? Because I don’t need a “new year, new you” campaign to make things feel superficially better. This might give a quick dopamine hit at the moment…but, it doesn’t sustain the feelings of hope and productivity all year! Do you know what does? Routines. Reflections. Those daily practices that we can all do and access. We can customize our life and needs. Because, my dear, WE are in charge. Not the calendar.
YOU get to set the tone for your day. Every day.
Starting your day well can change everything. Your day can be set up and framed beautifully before you even get out of bed. Take this quote from Jen Sincero, author and business guru.
“Your habits define who you are being. Your boundaries define the space required in order to be who you’re being” — Jen Sincero, Badass Habits
Healthy Boundaries Are a Gift
Setting healthy boundaries for yourself can also mean setting healthy boundaries WITH yourself. We thrive in structure and routine. These habits, if carefully crafted, can allow us the structure we need in a time that may otherwise feel chaotic. That structure then allows your mind to be freed up for other things! You don’t have to think about what to do first thing. It’s routine. You don’t have to talk yourself into focusing because you have put the boundaries in place for you to work within. I don’t know about you, but I’m a big fan of giving my future self gifts! What a gift a morning routine could be for you, your life, your work, your relationships, and your future.
How to Start Crafting Your Morning Routine
At this point, my hope is that you are in. You are on board with a morning routine. Now, where to start! Of course, you can start anywhere. But, I would recommend you give yourself an hour every morning just to take care of yourself before anyone else (before checking emails, making calls, or starting a project. Making that decision is a huge step in setting and maintaining healthy boundaries! Great work. Now, what you do with that hour is up to you. Just do it with intentionality.
Elements of a Morning Routine
This will not be an exhaustive list, but my hope is that you can plug in the elements that are good and healthy for you. And, this list will help prompt more ideas. If your routine isn’t working for you or with your life anymore? Mix it up. Just like with any big business goal, test, and change. You’ll find a rhythm!
Ideas for a morning routine
Have a glass of water as soon as you wake up
- Take a walk in your neighborhood or along the beach
- Do yoga
- Meditate
- Take a shower
- Journal
- Set your intentions and goals for the day
- Eat breakfast, even something small
Things to avoid in the morning for healthy boundaries:
- Checking social media first
- Checking email first
- Drink coffee before drinking water
- Skipping breakfast
Ready to wake up and make your day great?
Remember, your morning routine should work for you. It should give you space to breathe. My hope is that you will now have some additional tools to help make your day great. You could even comment below with your morning routine! If you want more resources, or to talk more about setting healthy boundaries, let’s connect. I’d love to talk with you.
Begin Counseling for Women in Miramar, FL or Start Online Therapy in Florida
If you are looking for a therapist who specializes in helping women, look no further. Enid is here to support your mental health journey. To begin therapy for women in Broward County in-person or for online therapy in Florida, follow these three steps:
Contact Counseling Solutions of Boward to schedule your free 20-minute consultation on a video platform,
Meet with Enid and get to know her!
Live life with more balance and healthy boundaries!
Other Therapy Services Offered at Counseling Solutions of Broward
In addition to providing codependency treatment for women in Florida, Enid De Jesus offers a variety of mental health services at her counseling clinic in Broward County, FL. Her goal is to create lasting transformative change and growth in your life. So, she offers anxiety treatment, depression treatment, counseling for imposter syndrome, after divorce counseling, and relationship counseling for one. For more information on counseling, please check out her what to expect page or contact her counseling office.
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