“How is it possible that everyone in my life is an idiot?” When I’m being a petty micro-manager, then I know I need something. I need sleep. I need a break. Honestly, it means I’m not handling my professional boundaries appropriately. Professional Boundaries are Healthy: Codependency, resentment, and “powering through” are not. Yes. It is […]
Yes to YOU: Healthy Sexual Boundaries for Women in Florida
We’ve been talking about boundaries. And, now we’re going to discuss sexual boundaries. Holy moly. Are we really going to go there? Yes. Yes, we are. This is a topic that is all too often glossed over, tiptoed around, or simply ignored altogether. Not only should we be having this conversation from an earlier age, […]
Setting Healthy Boundaries With Parents as an Adult
Why. Why is this SO hard? You’re successful. You are an independent, strong, and brilliant woman! For goodness sake….you are a grown-up! What in the world happens when we are with our families that throws us into this “time machine” of a boundary mess? Sometimes, the family systems we’ve grown up with simply don’t want […]
Boundary Basics
Here is the line. Now, hold the line. Finally, do not let anyone cross the line. Easy, right? Boundary Setting: Easy? Sure. On the surface, boundary-setting, communication, and management sound like a simple, straightforward thing. However, some of us have been raised in a family or community system where boundaries were not clearly taught or […]
Building a Practice of Self-Compassion
Grumpy mornings. Pushed deadlines. Missed texts. Unreturned voicemails. Getting sick. Feeling tired. Spilling. Breaking. Breaking down. These are all normal human experiences. As I noted earlier, having compassion for yourself means that you honor and accept your humanness. Yes. You are not, in fact, Wonder Woman. Or Supergirl. Nor do you have to be perfect. […]
Self-Compassion: Tips for Perfectionists from a Florida Therapist
Have you ever had a well-meaning friend or family member say something like “you’re being too hard on yourself” or “quit beating yourself up about it.” Well, what they’re trying to tell you is to practice self-compassion. As women, we tend to be extremely compassionate towards others who are struggling or going through tough times. […]
What Your Recently Divorced Friend Wishes You Knew
I work with women all over Florida who are dealing with divorce. Or, a significant breakup. These women are strong. Capable. Professional. Successful. And, hurting. Divorce recovery counseling is a big deal. It’s a long, often painful process. In therapy, we are working through grief, loss, betrayal, guilt, shame, blame, confidence, boundaries, trauma, anxiety, depression, […]
Dating Anxiety: A Florida Therapist for Women Weighs In
“Put yourself out there!” “It’ll be fun, just give it a try!” “You don’t know until you do it!” “It’s not going to be as bad as you think.” “That’s how my [insert any random woman they know] found her husband!” Sound familiar? Our friends and family are well-meaning. They love us. They want us […]
Afternoon Slump No More! Daily Routines for Healthy Boundaries in Florida
The afternoon slump. You’ve felt it. Nodding off or zoning out at your desk. We’ve talked about morning routines. A way to get your day started on the right foot. To help you ease into whatever the day brings with clarity and calm. How lovely! But, did we really discuss habits? Habits Help Us Thrive, […]
Morning Routine: Give Yourself the Gift of Healthy Boundaries
2021. Has anything changed? Are we fundamentally different? Did we get that “fresh start” everyone was hoping for? I don’t know about you, but for me, not so much. Yes. A beautiful new year is upon us. Brimming with possibly. Buzzing with hope. But, nothing changes magically when the calendar adds a year to the […]