We’re all feeling it right now. Insomnia, nightmares, and a general feeling of exhaustion. COVID, or the coronavirus pandemic, has us all on edge all day. We are trying to do too much while feeling helpless to actually change or fix things.
Perhaps you find yourself living on caffeine to get through the stress of the day. Even though for many of us, our days have less formal structure than ever, we find our to-do list still never-ending with little feeling of accomplishment for a hard day’s work.
Then, we crawl into bed overwhelmed, exhausted, stressed, and still not feeling like we did enough. Does that blame and shame game sound familiar? finally, our head hits the pillow to begin the nightly routine of tossing and making tomorrow’s to-do list in your head, trying to remember to breathe before we finally pass out. It’s a wonder that we get any sleep right now, huh? And, it’s totally understandable that the sleep we do manage to get often doesn’t feel restful.
Sleep problems are bothering us all over the world.
More people than ever are reporting nightmares and insomnia in 2020. Perhaps you’ve even found yourself googling, “why can’t I sleep? “, “Why am I having nightmares? “, or, “How can I get more sleep?” in recent months. Perhaps, that’s how you landed here! Welcome. You’re not alone in having difficulty solutions, but you need good sleep to fully function! So, let’s talk about some ways to get more sleep. Better rest when you finally go to bed. More consistent sleep, instead of the yo-yo or sleep guessing games you’re so frustrated with right now.
What is sleep hygiene?
The term “sleep hygiene” sounds like a fancy thing. Like work to do or a new trend to learn more about. Maybe you’ve even resisted learning more about it because it sounds like the next hot thing and you just can’t deal with another fad that claims to make you a better version of yourself. Don’t worry folks, this is a judgment-free zone. Let me simplify this for you. Sleep hygiene is simply an equation.
A healthy habit + a solid routine = a good night of sleep!
How do I practice good sleep hygiene?
The equation is simple, but that doesn’t make sleep hygiene a magical quick fix. You know how I mentioned that equation above? It’s important to practice it daily. Follow the sleep hygiene equation every day for better sleep resulting in more actual rest and rejuvenation. The important part to note is: “Routines + rituals you follow every night.” Let’s get into my preferred list now!
Proven routines and practices for better sleep and maintain sleep hygiene:
Maintain a consistent schedule by getting up and going to bed at the same time every day
- Use a guided meditation
- Limit caffeine
- Turn off technology 2-hrs before bed
- Read a book or listen to an audiobook
- Take care of your skin
- Journal
- Keep room cool/temp
- Lights off and turn the TV off
- Get a sound machine or use a “white noise” app
- Use aromatherapy with a diffuser and relaxing lavender essential oils
- Eat at least 3 hrs before bedtime/don’t eat late
- Drink chamomile tea
How long does this sleep hygiene thing take to work?
If you are truly committed to getting more and better sleep, make these changes now.
Perhaps, keep a journal or sleep diary where you can take note of the changes you’ve made and what you notice in your body as you move through the day and night. While you can start seeing improvements if you’re really paying attention, a full sleep revolution might not happen overnight. Give it time…creating a new routine takes patience. The life-changing results you might be looking for will take time. But, I believe you can do it.
Begin Counseling for Women in Miramar, FL or Start Online Therapy in Florida
If you want more support with healthy habits to support your mental and physical wellbeing, I would love to talk with you! As a therapist in Broward County, Florida, I specialize in working with high-achieving women who deal with anxiety, imposter syndrome, and so much more. Let’s get started, wherever you are in the state, with online therapy in Florida. All you have to do is follow these three steps:
Contact Counseling Solutions of Boward to schedule your free 20-minute consultation on a video platform,
Get to know me, Enid, your professional online counselor
Start living your best life with more rest and rejuvenation
Other Therapy Services Offered at Counseling Solutions of Broward:
In addition to providing online therapy in Florida, including codependency treatment for women, Enid De Jesus offers a variety of mental health services at her counseling clinic in Broward County, FL. Her goal is to create lasting transformative change and growth in your life. So, she offers anxiety treatment, depression treatment, counseling for imposter syndrome, after divorce counseling, and relationship counseling for one. For more information on counseling, please check out her what to expect page or contact her counseling office.
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